Infinity Gauntlet Omnibus
Iss # Published Issue InfoImg
HCB July, 2014 ...Even Demigods Must Dream!; ...The Soul World!; A Destructive Encounter; A Gauntlet Hurled!; Adam Warlock, Protector of the Soul World!; Cages; Confronting One's Maker!; Dark Dominion; Deeply Buried Secrets!; Detour; Epiphany; Field of Honor; Finale & Prelude; Footnote to Infinity; Forgiveness; From Here to Maternity; Games and Prizes; Green Canard; Hunger!; Inquisition; Is There a Doctor NOT in the House?; No One Gets Outta Here Alive!; Schemes and Dreams; Silver-Tongued Devil; Small Talk; Thanos vs. Mephisto; The Alexandrian Quatrain; The Answer!!!; The Book of the Vishanti: A Gathering of Fear, Part 1; The Book of the Vishanti: A Gathering of Fear, Part 2; The Book of the Vishanti: A Gathering of Fear, Part 3; The Eight Billion Year Funeral; The Fool on the Throne; The Heat is On...; The Hero in Absence; The Infinity Gauntlet, Part 1: God; The Infinity Gauntlet, Part 2: From Bad to Worse; The Infinity Gauntlet, Part 3: Preparations For War; The Infinity Gauntlet, Part 4: Cosmic Battle on the Edge of the Universe!; The Infinity Gauntlet, Part 5: Astral Conflagration; The Infinity Gauntlet, Part 6: The Final Confrontation; The Lesson?; The Name is Thanos!!; The Ties That Bind; The Universe According to Thanos, Part 1: Genesis; The Universe According to Thanos, Part 2: Exodus; To Hela and Back; Welcome to Dynamo City; Cover by James Starlin - 'Jim Starlin'L