Superman: The Golden Age Omnibus (2013-Present)
Iss #
Issue Info
HC Vol 1A June, 2013 Superman and the Numbers Racket ; Superman Meets the Ultra-Humanite ; Superman on the High Seas; Superman's Super-Campaign ; The Atomic Disintegrator ; Campaign Against the Planet; Luthor's Incense Menace; Luthor's Undersea City; Superman and the Dam; Superman and the Purple Plague; Superman and the Screen Siren; Superman and the Skyscrapers; Superman and the Smuglers; Superman Champions Universal Peace!; Superman Declares War on Reckless Drivers ; Superman Plays Football; Superman vs. the Cab Protective League; Superman's Phony Manager; Terror in the Trucker's Union; The Black Gold Oil Well ; The Blakely Mine Disaster; The Challenge of Luthor; The Coming of Superman; The Economic Enemy; The Life Insurance Scam; The Origin of Superman, Part 1; The Origin of Superman, Part 2; The Orphanage Adventure; The Redemption of Larry Trent; The Return of the Ultra-Humanite; The Slot Machine Racket; The Wonder Drug Racket; Murder in England; South Sea Strategy, Part 1; Sticky-Mitt Stimson; Superman, Champion of the Oppressed; The A-Gang; The Adventures of Marco Polo; The International Jewel Thief; The Light Heavyweight Championship; The Mystery of the Freight Train Robberies; Cover by Darwyn CookeL
HC Vol 1B February, 2020 Superman and the Numbers Racket ; Superman Meets the Ultra-Humanite ; Superman on the High Seas; Superman's Super-Campaign ; The Atomic Disintegrator ; Campaign Against the Planet; Luthor's Incense Menace; Luthor's Undersea City; Superman and the Dam; Superman and the Purple Plague; Superman and the Screen Siren; Superman and the Skyscrapers; Superman and the Smuglers; Superman Champions Universal Peace!; Superman Declares War on Reckless Drivers ; Superman Plays Football; Superman vs. the Cab Protective League; Superman's Phony Manager; Terror in the Trucker's Union; The Black Gold Oil Well ; The Blakely Mine Disaster; The Challenge of Luthor; The Coming of Superman; The Economic Enemy; The Life Insurance Scam; The Origin of Superman, Part 1; The Origin of Superman, Part 2; The Orphanage Adventure; The Redemption of Larry Trent; The Return of the Ultra-Humanite; The Slot Machine Racket; The Wonder Drug Racket; Murder in England; South Sea Strategy, Part 1; Sticky-Mitt Stimson; Superman, Champion of the Oppressed; The A-Gang; The Adventures of Marco Polo; The International Jewel Thief; The Light Heavyweight Championship; The Mystery of the Freight Train Robberies; Cover by Darwyn CookeL
HC Vol 2 September, 2016 The Caveman Criminal; The City in the Sky; The Devil's Playground; The Pilot's Revenge; Cover by Darwyn CookeL