Bring on the Bad Guys (1976)
Iss #
Issue Info
HC 1976 A World Gone Mad!; Duel With the Dread Dormammu!; How Green Was My Goblin!; If I Fail, a World is Lost!; Lest Tyranny Triumph!; Outside the Gates Waits.. Death!; Pawns of the Deadly Duo!; Prisoners of Doctor Doom! / Back to the Past! / On the Trail of Blackbeard / Battle! / The Vengeance of Doctor Doom!; Spidey Saves the Day!; Tales of Asgard: A Viper in Our Midst!; Tales of Asgard: The Boyhood of Loki!; Tales of Asgard: The Coming of Loki!; Tales of Asgard: The Golden Apples!; Tales of the Watcher: Why Won't They Believe Me?; The Abomination!; The Domain of the Dread Dormammu!; The Fantastic Origin of the Red Skull; The Mighty Thor Battles the Incredible Hulk!; The Mystery Villain!; The Power and the Prize!; The Red Skull Strikes!; The Stronger I Am, the Sooner I Die!; The Vengeance of the Thunder God; To Be Beaten By Byrrah!; When Titans Clash!; Where Walks the Villains!; Whosoever Harms the Hulk..!N