Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (1977-1979)
Iss #
Issue Info
232 October, 1977 L
233 November, 1977 L
236 February, 1978 L
237 March, 1978 L
238 April, 1978 L
239 May, 1978 L
240 June, 1978 L
241 July, 1978 L
242 August, 1978 L
245B November, 1978 Mordu, Master of Earth!; Whitman Variant; Cover by Allen Milgrom - 'Al Milgrom'L
246B December, 1978 Will the Last ONe to Leave Mercury Please Close the Planet?; Whitman Variant; Cover by Mike GrellL
247A January, 1979 Savage Sanctuary; Celebration!L
248A February, 1979 Beneath the Streets Lurks Death!L
249 March, 1979 L
250 April, 1979 L
251B May, 1979 The Man Who Destroyed the Universe; Whitman Variant; Cover by Joe StatonL
252B June, 1979 Postscript to Holocaust; Whitman Variant; Cover by Dick GiordanoL
254A August, 1979 A Madman Shall Lead Them; Cover by Dick GiordanoL
256A October, 1979 L
257A November, 1979 L
258A December, 1979 Numbering continued in Legion of Super-Heroes (1980-1984) #259L