Thor: Heroes Return Omnibus (2017)
Iss # Published Issue InfoImg
HC Vol 1 October, 2017 ...And the Home of the Brave!; Across All Worlds; Answers; As Turneth the Tide; At Last-- Disclosure!; Beyond Reason's Edge; Burning Need; Deal With the Devil!; Deception; Deviant Life; Empty Vessels; Forever Kursed; From the Ashes; God and Man; Hammer Time!; Heroes; Home; In Search of the Gods; Man of Tomorrow; Millennius!; Plaything of the Gods; Revenge of the Enchanters; Tales of Asgard: The Mystic Mountain Tale, Part 3: There Shall Come a Miracle!; Tales of Asgard: The Odinsword Quest, Part 10: The Meaning of... Ragnarok!; Tales of Asgard: The Odinsword Quest, Part 11: Aftermath!; Tears For the Fallen; Tears of the Gods; The Dark Wars, Part 1; The Dark Wars, Part 2; The Dark Wars, Part 3; The Day the Thunder Failed!; The Deadly Living Talismans!; The Eighth Day Prologue: Strange Things Done in the Midnight Sun; The Eighth Day, Part 1; The Eighth Day, Part 2: The Thrill of the Chase; The Eighth Day, Part 3: An Exemplary Day!; The Eighth Day, Part 4: Eight is Enough; The Final Morning; The Forsaken; The Hammer and the Holocaust!; The Million Dollar Debut of Thor Girl!; The Power of Pluto!; The Work of Odin; This Kurse'd Earth...!; To Become an Immortal!; What's a God to Do?; Whence Comes Death; Winter's Edge; Winter's Eternal Moon; Wrecking Havok; Cover by John Romita, Jr.L