The origin of Green Lantern continues as Hal Jordan struggles with life after the Air Force and life at Ferris. But Jordan's world will change completely when he meets Carol Ferris again for the first time and the alien Abin Sur. Plus, who murdered Abin Sur? His fellow Corpsman and friend, Sinestro, wants to know.
by DC Comics
Published June, 2008 (Modern Age) by DC Comics and went on sale April 30, 2008 for $2.99 USD. This issue contains 32 pages in Color, the current NM value is $3.00 USD.
UPC: 76194124438903011
Another solid issue. Hal Jordan is trying to get back in the air, but after crashing one plane too many and getting kicked out of previous job this won't be an easy task. Also, a few more mentions of the Blackest Night to keep the suspense going. Ivan Reis' art is very neat. Not outstanding, but very pleasant watch.