The march toward TRINITY WAR begins with part one of 'WORLD'S MOST DANGEROUS'! � Green Lantern! Green Arrow! Catwoman! Katana! Vibe! Hawkman! Stargirl! They aren't the world's greatest super heroes-they're the most dangerous! But why does a team like the JLA need to exist? What is their ultimate mission? And who is pulling the strings? � Plus: Find out why Martian Manhunter is the most dangerous of them all. Period.
by DC Comics
Published April, 2013 (Modern Age) by DC Comics and went on sale February 20, 2013 for $3.99 USD. This issue contains 40 pages in Color, the current NM value is $4.00 USD. The publisher has rated this issue T (12+).
Additional Issue Information:Wyoming Flag Variant
UPC: 76194131554601941
Good art, well written, but I HATED it! I disliked Amanda Waller already, but now I despise her. The reasoning behind the formation of the JLA is detestable, but completely believable. Colonel Trevor going along with it makes him look like a teen that just got dumped by his girlfriend. The way they intend to get the candidates to accept the "job offer" just doesn't sit well. It just bugs me that the JLA was formed by deceit and coercion. That's just wrong.
Alot of setup...