Published ________, 1977 (Bronze Age) by Dial Press and went on sale in 1977 for $6.95 USD. This issue contains 192 pages in Color, the current NM value is $6.95 USD.
Additional Issue Information:2nd Printing
UPC: ISBN-10: ISBN-13:
Issue Story(s)
Case No. 2 (Pages )
Cicero's Cat (Pages )
Goodbye Widow-Maker (Pages )
Hawkman (Pages )
Johnny Thunder (Pages )
Meet Captain America (Pages )
Murder, Ltd. (Pages )
Origin of The Flash (Pages )
Sealed Orders (Pages )
Stamps (Pages )
Stories From the Dark Ages (Pages )
Superman and the Dam
Superman and the Smuglers
Superman Plays Football
Superman's Phony Manager
The Blakely Mine Disaster
The Chess-Board of Death (Pages )
The Exploding Buildings (Pages )
The Origin of Green Lantern (Pages )
The Origin of Superman, Part 1
The Origin of Superman, Part 2
The Orphanage Adventure
The Power Plant Failure (Pages )
The Rescue (Pages )
The Riddle of the Red Skull (Pages )
The Sinister Mansion (Pages )
The Soldier's Soup (Pages )
Traitor's Treachery, Part 3 (Pages )
Murder in England (Pages )
South Sea Strategy, Part 1 (Pages )
Sticky-Mitt Stimson (Pages )
Superman, Champion of the Oppressed (Pages )
The A-Gang (Pages )
The Adventures of Marco Polo (Pages )
The International Jewel Thief (Pages )
The Light Heavyweight Championship (Pages )
The Mystery of the Freight Train Robberies (Pages )